Why is it difficult and even harder to recruit young talents, even more difficult than recruiting normal staff (about 2 - 5 years of experience)? Even if it is appropriate to recruit a suitable person, it is still a very difficult problem to keep them long to the end of the internship.
The following are the main reasons that Vietsourcing HR's headhunter staffs share about recruiting young talents and trainees.
- Young talents, trainees learn very well, but their soft skills and experience are very limited. Derived from the old training system and although it has been improved for many years, it still has not met the needs of enterprises and society. That is why when a young, newly graduated or a trainee is required to train from the beginning, employers often have to "reluctantly" agree to trainees who are still lack of experiences nor skills.
- Young talents, trainees are enthusiastic young people. And if they are enthusiastic, they often like to try new things. Sometimes they still think that they are young and have to find better opportunities. That is also the reason why they tend to quit the job so fast, immediately decided to leave when there is discontent rather than seeking to reconcile or resolve.
- Finding young talent is not easy. Because if they emerge in the university/ faculty record, they will receive numerous scholarships and study encouragement funds from large enterprises with a commitment to work for them immediately after graduation.
Vietsourcing’s advantage in recruiting young talents, trainees
In return, Vietsourcing HR's staffs also offer our special solutions and advantages so that customers will feel satisfied when choosing to use young talent recruitment and trainee services as follows :
- With 12 years of experience in the field of recruitment, Vietsourcing is proud to be a reputable unit, providing services to recruit young talents and trainees in the fastest way for customers in need.
- As a subsidiary of Vietsourcing Group, Vietsourcing HR inherits a huge student database system and is always supported by Vietsourcing Training Center - specialized training and training center. According to an internal report, Vietsourcing HR is estimated to appear at about 14 major events at the University every year, about 8 prestigious national universities and reach out to about 20,000 new students annually. We always maintain a cooperative relationship with universities and regularly organize exchange events, sharing careers and giving scholarships to young students.
- Professional staff, fluent in the recruitment process and are always ready to find suitable candidates for all types of businesses of all sizes.
- The fastest service delivery time: within 10 days of receiving requests from customers.
- Reasonable cost: with fast recruitment time, which means that the deployment steps are also streamlined, shorter and more cost-effective and operational.
Process of implementing and deploying young talents, trainees
Vietsourcing HR performs quick, professional and strict search for candidates. The process of deploying our Recruitment of young talents and trainees is as follows:
1 - Customers are interested in Vietsourcing service and email / message / call to request service advice. Contact information:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +84.24 22 488 444 (Hanoi) or +84 28 22 448 555 (Ho Chi Minh City)
2. Vietsourcing HR's consultants and experts will quickly contact you to find out information, consult and give information survey (including questions about businesses, subjects to recruit, basic benefits and remuneration for candidates, recruitment deadlines, basic requirements for recruiting personnel ...)
3- Customer arranges to meet, discusses and signs contract with Vietsourcing HR
4- Vietsourcing HR implements services and terms in the contract such as:
• Review the data system to find suitable people and personnel
• Contact candidates in accordance with customer requirements
• Interview and assess working capacity and personality suitable for businesses
• Check the information, personalities and competencies of the candidates with tests appropriate to each occupation
• Send candidates to businesses for interviews and reviews
• Participate in the recruitment process, negotiate wages with candidates
• Take care of candidates, support candidates and businesses during the probationary process
5. Customer gives Vietsourcing HR comments on the applicant, requests support and advice (if necessary).
6- Customer meets Vietsourcing HR to discuss the effectiveness of the contract
With a professional and dynamic team and a large data system, Vietsourcing HR commits the total time to contact, search for candidates, interview and send candidates to the business no more than 10 working days from the date of request.