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Payroll Service & PIT Consulting

Payroll Service & PIT Consulting

Salary calculation is the basic job of every business, but for small and medium enterprises, the calculation of salary often creates risks, headaches and takes time for inspection of management. Based on this need and practice, in order to optimize costs, time and minimize risks for businesses, Vietsourcing HR would like to introduce and provide Payroll services.

When using the Payroll service & PIT consulting of Vietsourcing HR, clients will receive the following benefits:

  • Save time, costs, manpower
  • Minimize the pressure of errors, overdue calculations and payroll
  • Having the time and manpower to concentrate on production and business
  • The payroll process is professionally operated
  • Be consulted, supported and implemented salary calculation by salary experts with years of experience in calculating, paying salaries from many types and sizes of companies.

Vietsourcing HR's Payroll Service & PIT consulting include: 

  • Prepare and check payroll
  • Calculation of payments and withholding under the Labor Code
  • Pay to each employee according to customer requirements
  • Make periodic reports on salary
  • Implementation of personal income tax declaration procedures
  • Carry out social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance procedures
  • Process of implementing and implementing Salary Management service
  • The consulting team and experts of Vietsourcing HR will quickly contact you to consult and find out information (necessary information about the enterprise, the number and size of personnel, the payment mechanism , payroll scale, regulations and other reward policies ..) and give the survey to summarize information (including questions about businesses, payers, bonus rules ...)
  • Businesses arrange to meet, exchange and sign contracts with Vietsourcing HR
  • The consulting team and experts of Vietsourcing HR will deploy the parts of the contract quickly, including collecting documents and information about the payment mechanism in accordance with the Labor Law. In case you still do not have a clear mechanism for reward policy, payroll scale .. Vietsourcing HR will advise specific calculation methods for your business to implement in accordance with the type and regulation. human resources, salary budget of your company.
  • The consultant team and experts of Vietsourcing HR will deploy the calculation, provide the appropriate payroll frame (if the enterprise does not have a payroll scale) or calculate the sample payroll for reference and review.
  • As soon as the company leadership approves and approves the salary payment plan from Vietsourcing HR, the consulting team and experts of Vietsourcing HR will officially implement the payroll and apply payment to employees of the enterprise. Monthly.
  • In addition to ensuring timely payment of monthly payroll to employees, Vietsourcing HR will perform other operations in Salary Management, committing to optimizing expenses, salary fund of enterprises and consulting solutions. Other suitable to minimize expenses incurred for businesses.
  • Every month / quarter / year, businesses arrange to meet and discuss with Vietsourcing HR to evaluate the performance and continue to sign contracts.
  • The total time for receiving, consulting, signing, providing a sample payroll and other salary calculation procedures ... does not exceed 5 working days.

The following types of businesses and organizations should use the Payroll service & PIT consulting :
- Enterprises are newly established and do not have much experience in management and operation
- Small and medium enterprises, it is not necessary to maintain a bulky human resources department
- Large enterprises with too many personnel and administrative departments - personnel can not undertake all calculations and pay for a large number of employees

With the benefits and professionalism that Vietsourcing HR brings, surely customers will be satisfied when using the Payroll service & PIT Consulting. 

Learn more about how we can help your Payroll Administration ?Click hereTo Schedule A Consultation!

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